Answered By: Rachel Smith
Last Updated: Aug 15, 2024     Views: 16

If you found the book or article that you need in Primo, but your library does not own it, you can usually request it from another library. Click the “Request” text or button that best suits your needs, and fill out the form that appears. Most libraries can send you their physical copy of a book for you to borrow, and some libraries can digitize an article or chapter that you’d like to borrow instead. Once you click “Submit” at the bottom of the request form, you’ll be able to track the progress of your request in your “My Library Card” view.

If you aren’t able to find the book you need in Primo, you can fill out a request form for ILL. Check with your library staff to access this form. It might be a link on your library’s website, or at the top of the library’s catalog.