Whether you need to establish a starting fund allocation or shift an existing fund allocation up or down, the basic process remains the same:
Login to Alma
Navigate to Acquisitions > Acquisitions Infrastructure > Funds and Ledgers
Edit the Ledger that contains the fund
Click on the Funds tab
Find the fund that needs to be updated and click Edit
Click the Transactions tab
Click Allocate Funds
Enter the Allocation Amount
If your fund balance is $0: enter the total fund allocation amount
If your fund balance is already set and you are adjusting the allocation:
Perform the math to determine how much money needs to be added/removed from the existing allocation to get the new allocation you want for the fund
For example, if you have a fund allocated $100 and you want to change it to $200, then the Allocation amount entered into Alma would be $100 – the amount needed to get from the existing $100 allocation to the new $200 allocation.