Answered By: Ellan Jenkinson
Last Updated: Aug 15, 2024     Views: 755

Ex Libris offers two administration certification opportunities – one for Alma and one for Primo VE.


Per Ex Libris in order to enable access to the administrative permissions in Alma, at least two (2) staff from each library must be certified. However, based on the support tier of each library, PASCAL staff may assume responsibility for one or both of these roles. Based on the PASCAL support matrix, for Tier 1 libraries, two Alma certified staff are required; for Tier 2 libraries at least one Alma certified staff is required; and for Tier 3 and Tier 4 libraries, Alma certification is optional.

An overview of the Alma Administration Certification process can be found in the Ex Libris Knowledge Center.

Ex Libris strongly recommends completing the Alma Essentials training prior to beginning the Alma Administration Certification program. The Alma Administration Certification sequence includes approximately three (3) hours of pre-recorded sessions across the functional areas of Alma plus related knowledge review sessions.

The certification exam is available through the Ex Libris Academy. Please Note: You will be prompted to log in or create a new Ex Libris Academy account.

Primo VE

Primo VE Administration Certification is optional.

An overview of the Primo VE Administration Certification process is available in the Ex Libris Knowledge Center. 

The Primo VE Administration Certification sequence includes approximately one (1) hour of pre-recorded sessions across various areas of Primo VE.

It is recommended that the Primo VE Essentials training be completed prior to beginning the Primo VE Certification sequence.

The certification exam is available through the Ex Libris Academy. Please Note: You will be prompted to log in or create a new Ex Libris Academy account.

Please contact SLSP staff at with any questions.